Category: Employers

  • Interview Questions Part II.

    Today we will consider the common question, “Why did you leave your last job?” On the face of it this seems like a reasonable question. But, is it? And, just what is the purpose of the question. I am still mulling over this topic. I expect I’ll be polishing my thoughts for some time. Let’s…

  • Interview Questions, Part I.

    There is so much you could say about interview questions. Where to begin? At the moment my thoughts are disorganized and I am feeling a little uninspired, so I will just start writing and see where it goes. I expect this to be a series. And to kick things off, perhaps the most popular question ever:…

  • Tips on rejections

    Rejections are hard. No one likes to be rejected. Very few people like giving rejections. Here are some tips to make your rejections as painless as possible. 1. Remember a rejection is a critical relationship-building communication. The entire hiring process from start to finish is not just a hiring process. It is also a process…